We provide business solutions for creatives.

We are dedicated to providing the crucial data backed insights and strategies that drive growth, innovation, and sustainability within the creative industries.

The Problem

In the bustling realm of the creative industries, saturation is the norm.

Founders struggle with the challenge of securing the practical business support essential for standing out amidst the competition.

Too often, they find themselves without the necessary infrastructure and expertise to translate their creativity into thriving, sustainable ventures.

This can result in tunnel vision, with a focus solely on the creative aspect, neglecting crucial business elements.

If this sounds like you, we have you covered.

We Are The Solution

Creatives thrive on freedom and innovation, many do not need additional creative direction.

Uncovered Agency offers custom-tailored business support, solutions, strategy and training regardless of where you are on your business journey.

With over 25 years of combined hands-on experience, we possess the knowledge, passion and guidance essential for fostering business growth and stability.

Our approach is rooted in holistic, accessible, and data-backed insights.

The Goal

The inspiration behind Uncovered Agency was a process of uncovering hidden talent with considerable potential to provide significant creative, cultural, and economic value.

We are looking ahead. Bridging vision with reality.

Sharing the tools crucial to building diverse businesses that stand the test of time.

Laying the foundations for the creative industry’s future.

We provide unique, holistic and bespoke strategies and services to our clients accommodating their budget, timescale, business stage and capacity.

This can include Operations, Commercial Viability and Design Management.

Who We Have Worked With